Occupational Interests Profile +

Designed to provide a comprehensive and fully integrated assessment for career guidance and development, OIP+ consists of an occupational interest questionnaire and a measure of ‘personal work needs’. It was originally developed following extensive trialling on 16 to 18 year-olds and has subsequently been extended for use with older adults.


Report Options

These online report options are available for the following assessment

Please contact AADC  for further information on reports & report sets.

What OIP+ Measures

OIP+ assesses eight vocational interests and five personal work needs. The vocational interests identify work areas which an individual is likely to enjoy whereas the work needs asses how well suited they are to different environments.


Quick to administer, yet producing a comprehensive and detailed assessment, OIP+ provides a psychometrically sound solution for all those who are engaged in vocational guidance and counselling. It is available in paper and pencil format, or online and offline using the GeneSys platform. While only a basic level of education is required to complete the OIP+, it can also be successfully used with professional and managerial groups. The OIP+ is typically used with the GRT2 to provide an extended career assessment. There is also the option to integrate the OIP+ with a choice of specific aptitude measures.

OIP+ Reports

A number of different reports can be generated for OIP+ through the GeneSys platform. These combine occupational interests and work needs and provide the option of integrating results from ability tests such as GRT2. Focussed on career exploration and choice, reports are intended to provide a basis of a discussion with a careers adviser or counsellor but are also suitable for giving to the respondent to take away for further reference. In addition, the reports produce a detailed list of career suggestions based on the person’s profile with links to online careers information.

Available Languages

  • English
  • Arabic
  • Chinese PRC
  • Indonesian
  • Thai