Work Attitude Inventory
The WAI is a measure of an individual’s personal integrity and ethics in a work context. It uses an innovative format to minimise response bias. It is designed to help reduce counter productive work behaviours that can result in shrinkage, etc.
Report Options
Please contact AADC for further information on reports & report sets.
Evidence for the WAI
A particular challenge in validating measures such as the WAI is obtaining adequate criterion evidence. Most measures are validated against other similar measures or against self-reported indices of counter-productive behaviour. To avoid such risks of circularity, the WAI has been the subject of a number of field trials and experimental simulations which have demonstrated its ability to predict meaningful criteria.
WAI assesses attitudes and behaviours that are difficult to elicit using other methods. Its innovative format ensures its validity when used in a selection or screening context. WAI is available for supervised or unsupervised administration through GeneSys online and can be used on its own or as part of a battery of work relevant assessments.
WAI Reports
Detailed individual narrative and group (ranking) reports can be generated through GeneSys Online. Reports provide detail of likely risk and a break-down of specific areas of concern.
Available Languages
- English
- Arabic
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Portuguese Brazilian
- Russian
- Thai